Super Speakers Around Us! 二维码
发表时间:2018-04-30 22:54 The first English Speech Contest in Affiliated School of Kunming NSAU Research Institute took place on April 20th. The students expressed themselves on the stage vividly and incisively, filling the orator style. In accordance with the cultivate goal of "Feelings to Family and National, International Vision, and the Spirit of NSAU", the contestants from three sections were all in high spirits and with full energy. Fluent spoken language, humorous expressions and appropriate body language fully demonstrated students' language competence and respond ability, which caused bursts of applause in an exciting atmosphere. 4月20日,昆明西南联大研究院附属学校举办了首届英语演讲比赛。联大附的学子们在舞台上挥洒自如,尽展演说家的风采。本着联大附"家国情怀,国际视野,联大精神"的培养目标,小、初、高三个学部的参赛选手们,个个精神饱满,激情洋溢。流利的口语,幽默的表达,得体的身体语势,充分展现了同学们较强的语言应用及临场应变能力,赢得了观众们阵阵掌声,现场氛围十分活跃。 Vice President Lin delivered a passionate speech, and his word“Nothing is impossible to a willing heart!” instantly lit up the audience. 林副校长的激情致辞,“Nothing is impossible to a willing heart!” 瞬间点燃了全场。 The English Speech Contest started right after the Opening Dance. 开场舞拉开了英语演讲比赛的序幕。 Presiding over the contest bilingually in Chinese and English. 出色的中英文双语主持。 Every contestant had shown their self-confidence and pursuit for excellence. 每一个学部的同学们都展示了他们昂扬自信的精神风貌和追求卓越的青春风采。
At the break of the speech contest, two mysterious guests came on stage greeting to screams. 演讲比赛中场休息的时候,两位神秘嘉宾酷炫登场,同学们都乐翻了天。 Sparking discourse! Really awesome! 主持人妙语连珠,小小年纪厉害厉害! Masters gathered! I swore I must learn English well! 全场大咖云集,看来以后要好好学英语了。 The live activities were well received by the students. The competition was in good order. 现场活动得到了同学们的积极响应,比赛井然有序,学生们态度认真。 The audience rushed to participate in the interactive games, such as words games, puzzles and riddles, tongue twisters and so on. 全场观众争先恐后地参加英语文化活动中的现场互动游戏,看实物说单词,猜字谜,绕口令等。 You, me and him or her! We are all in! 本次英语文化活动,有你,有我,也有他! The students of our elementary school performed excellent chants and chorus. 一年级的同学为观众们表演了童谣和合唱。 The contest came to the head when it went into overtime between Sun Senyan and Zhang Jiao, who tied each other in the first group. 比赛进行到了紧张的环节,初中组的孙森岩(左)和张骄(右)同学在第一组比赛中平局,现场开启了加时赛。 The contestants in group two were also on an exciting race. 第二组比赛也是硝烟弥漫,选手们更加激情澎湃了。 Martin Luther King, is that you? 仿佛看到了Martin Luther King的身影。 Scores were counted quickly while the word-solitaire game began. 那边比赛的最后得分在飞快的计算着,这边同学们又开始了单词接龙。 We cared about the contest! 心系舞台 Our English teachers gave final comments on the performance of the contestants. 各学部的教师代表对参赛选手的表现做了一一点评。
The four contestants from our elementary school, who are among the Best Performance, the Best Image, the Best Eloquence and the Best Pronunciation, were awarded by Miss Ouyang, the grade director of Grade 1. 小学部最终评出了最佳风采奖,最佳形象奖,最佳口才奖和最佳语音奖四个奖项,小学部年级主任欧阳红老师为他们颁奖。 Meanwhile, the contestants from our junior school and high school were separately awarded the Second, the Third Prize and the Excellent Award. Mr. Wang and Mr. Fan, the grade directors of our junior school and high school, presented the awards to the contestants. 经过激烈的角逐,高中学部和初中学部分别评出了二等奖、三等奖、优秀奖若干名,学部年级主任王海茗老师和范全礼老师同获奖选手合影留念。 Finally, Xu Jingyuan from C1703 and Zhang Junkai from G1701 won the Champions and the applause from the audience respectively. 最终,来自初中C1703班薛景元同学和高中G1701张峻凯同学一举夺冠,赢得全场呼声! The success of the contest was rooted from the great group work of the Department of Foreign Language Education, and more importantly, from the powerful supports of our school and enthusiastic participation of our students. During the preparing period, our English teachers tried their best to propagandize and prepare for the contest, while the contestants tried their best to revise and practice their lectures again and again. All these made the perfect performance of our students. 本次活动的圆满成功离不开外语教育研究院老师们的辛勤付出,更离不开学校的大力支持和同学们的热情参与。在英语文化活动伊始,老师们积极动员,精心准备。参赛选手全力以赴,几易其稿,最终成就了同学们在比赛中的精彩表现。 A sunny school, which promotes an aspiring and upright atmosphere, is on the way up. The Affiliated School of Kunming NSAU Research Institute has all set. It’s in the blooming age! Let’s expect more marvelous achievements of the school! 一所风清气正的阳光学校正冉冉升起。 联大附已准备好,精彩正当时!让我们继续期待! |